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Changing Lives
Through the Power of Communication
Can We Talk?
Effective communication makes life just a little bit sweeter.
I am a writer naturally, but that doesn't mean I don't like to talk! Things come to me that I just have to get it out of my head and onto paper, phone, or someplace! I just feel that if it comes to mind, somebody somewhere is either thinking it, thought it, or will think it! I know...that could have been confusing, but that's who I am. I write the way I talk. lol
 This is home for me. This is what I love to do. I write! I write positive, thought-provoking, opinionated things; and I don't expect everyone to agree with me. That's okay - that's what makes us individuals. 
Why do you think people are so open to saying any and everything via text, social media or blogging? It's freedom, but freedom isn't always free! That simply means that although there's freedom in texting and posting on social media, there comes a level of responsibility and accountability.  

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Angel T. Carr

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© 2017 by Angel Tucker-Carr

DISCLAIMER AND WARNING: Although some of the team who would be answering questions and giving words of encouragement could possibly be licensed professionals, I (we) do not recommend anything we say to override or substitute for a professional counseling session. 

We are Christian women, so our chats and information would be Biblical based; however, we respect all walks of life and backgrounds. Feel free to just relax and chat. We like to have a good time and share.

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